CNA Working Group: Optimal transportation and applications

We meet on Tuesdays at 2:30pm in the CNA seminar room (Wean Hall 7218). The first few meetings will cover background material. After this we will look at more recent directions and developments in OT. Please see the ‘papers to read’ section (Link is in the upper right corner) for more information on the directions we will take and the ‘schedule’ page for information on what we will cover in the near future.


Please feel free to suggest further directions/add comments/alternative papers/thoughts/anything else either as a blog post below or edit the ‘papers to read’ page. If you do not have the password and username for the site email me (mthorpe at andrew dot cmu dot edu) and I will let you know. To add a post click on the pencil in a square symbol in the top right hand side of the page whilst logged in.